Bună ziua you guys, my name is Carlos Lacy de los Schillingbrough.
I subsist as a floor manager. I work at linguistics as a diversion. I wish by and by to translate antiquated Lenape documents.
My pastimes encompass doing fieldwork on Judeo-Persian or the best language I have ever heard of, Basaa, flying kites, and kayaking, as well as sculpting.
This is a picture of me from the summer of 1949.
I am a native of Prince Edward County, Canada. I no longer make my home there. At the present time Houston is where my worldly goods live. I would love to be having the time of my life not too far from Minnesota or Mauritania, where I usually play role-playing games, practice speaking Ghomara, go swimming, and go geyser gazing madly.
Kol tuv!!
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