Single Sociolinguist Seeking Philologist

Cześć fellow linguists. My name is Jasmine Valda Keller. I anticipate this shall go to plan.

As an amusement I like to go climbing, go skiing, and add to my magazine collection, as well as do fieldwork on Kikuyu or Santa, too.

For the fall, winter, and spring semesters I’m a vakinainen instructor at a crummy, bad correspondence-course college in Syracuse, New York. I have published more than ninety-two pamphlets, including Linguistics for the Expensive Psycho-Pragmatist, Teach Someone Else to Give a Speech in Scots Gaelic in One hundred Years, and Available Components of Pumped Neo-Etymology. Most of my up-to-date investigation has been in corpus syntax and psycho-philology.

This is a likeness of me taking a load off at home.

I have settled in Honolulu, Hawaii. I would much rather be loving life in and around Philadelphia, United States, where I have always dreamed of being able to go skiing, go caving, and hunt kindhearted tigers, as well as hunt rocks; or in the vicinity of Witten, Germany, where my friends and I frequently go sailing perfectly.



Link here: SpecGram Personals #F949129

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