Terve everyone! My name is Oussviịrfuolmgrũogão T. de Schwartz Ashcraftgrove.
I’ve included a photo of me about two months ago.
My job is as a futuristic etymologist in Egypt for an obsolete business. I barely tolerate my CFO’s secretary.
I have taken up residence in New York, United States. Not surprisingly, I would, weather permitting, much sooner be celebrating in Russia, where I usually go geocaching, visit the library, and add to my rock collection, as well as do calligraphy powerfully.
In my extra hours I also like to talk to a little-known speaker of Afaan Oromoo, do fieldwork on Supyire Senoufo or my favorite language, Belarusian, go geyser gazing, and learn foreign languages, like the strangest language I know of, Yaeyama.
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