Philologist Seeks Same For Romantic Indiscretion

Salve fellow linguists! I am Thārdæu Neta Schwartz. I have a hunch this should go swimmingly.

My bill-paying profession is as an astronaut. I’m an earnest hobbyist conlang designer. I have been working on a dignified contention which shall in every way rearrange philology.

I’ve included a snapshot of me taking a load off around the house.

I have dwelled in Zaragoza, Spain all of my elfin life. I would like to be taking it easy near Honolulu, Hawaii or Smithers, Canada, where I can go hill walking, breed dogs, and spot trains, as well as go climbing.

My leisure pursuits take in playing soccer, researching my family’s ancestors, poaching exotic porcupines as they lurk, and keeping from getting rusty in Kujarge and the most interesting language I know, Ido.

Hasta la vista!!!11!!1one!


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