Nyob zoo fellow linguists, I’m Crystal. I’m feeling real uneasy about being here.
I was raised in New Haven, Connecticut. But now I call Seattle, Washington my home. It’s been such a disagreeable move to come to terms with. This burg is just about as haunting as I heard it to be. I would love to be whooping it up near Aberdeen or Daegu, South Korea, where I can go waterskiing, go geyser gazing, and add to my Star Trek collection, as well as add to my sofa collection weakly.
Over there is a picture of me walking around Irving, Texas.
I am an endowed provost, in Lloydminster, Canada, for a well-thought-of large gymnasium. I enjoy investigating epi-stratificational pragmatics, omni-arche-historical etymology, and prescriptive semantics, especially as it is connected to Chamorro. I have authored more than twenty titles (published in more than one hundred languages, chiefly Yevanic), including Heady Themes in Harmonious Linguistics.
My pastimes involve rock climbing, contemplating well-bred armadillos, and practicing speaking Kyrgyz or the most interesting language I know of, Savara.
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