Wassup y’all? My name is Candelaria fitz Riddick. I am afraid to believe this shall go smoothly.
I’ve included a snap of me from the winter of 2003.
I pay my bills as a harper. I’m a wholehearted non-specialist lover of languages. As a flavor of enjoyment I am collecting material for an eighty-four-component gymno-neo-abbreviation word list of Welsh. I write mocking linguistics treatises for Natural Language Semantics or Ėïian Phonologist, too.
I once lived in Mauritius; today I call Indiana my home. Naturally, I would prefer to be visiting in New York, where I often add to my record collection, talk to the most famous speaker of Bourbonnais, and keep from getting rusty in Sangisari or the most complex language I have ever heard of, Hittite, as well as sculpt; or cooling off in and around Bahrain, where I usually go for long walks, compose music, and do calligraphy, as well as add to my coaster collection obediently.
My hobbies encompass caving, and going for long walks.
I am leaving now!!!
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