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Witaj fellow linguists. I must introduce myself, I am Jin Nisha Ziülkarfuarkspreomn. It’s moderately frightful to be doing this.

I am originally a native of Oceanside, California. But currently Roberval, Canada is where my possessions live. I would much rather be around Mount Pearl, Canada, where I can go for long walks, hunt fossils, and breed dogs, as well as go swimming unexpectedly.

My leisure activities consist of trainspotting, rock hunting, swimming with semi-sentient cougars, and climbing.

My salaried job is as an ethnologist. I examine linguistics as a flavor of enjoyment. For jollification I am creating a slang with an odd comparative syntax system for a scientific musical, as much in contrast to Abkhazian, Kikuyu, and Pardhan as is within the bounds of possibility.

I’ve included a photo of me from when I was younger.

God be with ye!!!


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