Pay Attention! I Am The Only One For You!

Salut fellow linguists! I am Jodie.

Over there’s a photograph of me taking a break from antiquing.

My serious occupation is as a proofreader. I guess I’m not actually a linguist. In my spare minutes I’ve been creating a jargon with a novel descriptive etymology premise for a dramatic film, loosely derived from Bété and either Mesqan or Soga.

South Carolina is my home. I would rather be having the time of my life near Cambodia or Australia.

However they seem to vary with the times, I have had a lot of recreations and avocations all through my life. At present I like to keep from getting rusty in Mescalero-Chiricahua Apache or the hardest language I’ve ever heard of, Sidamo, hunt fossils, and learn a little more Bijil Neo-Aramaic, as well as visit museums.

Do svidanja!


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