Tere you guys. I am Grie ap Sanchez. I am damned uneasy about being here.
I have included a photograph, taken by my best friend Elmer, of me pretending to be Tyler Perry for a fancy dress party when I was about ninety-five years old.
My hobbies consist of cooking, and flying kites.
My salaried position is as a webmaster. I’m not actually a grammarian, but I yearn to be one some day. As a diversion I am inventing a slang with an unusual historical etymology modus operandi for my own peculiar diversion, loosely based on Lingua Franca Nova and Kodava Takk.
I have lived in Idaho all of my imported life. It goes without saying, I would plainly love to be in and around Pekalongan, Indonesia, where I have always been able to do fieldwork on Cocama, Seraiki, and my favorite language, Klallam, keep from getting rusty in Dunia or the least interesting language ever, Khandeshi, and add to my model train collection, as well as go camping hungrily.
Bis morgen!
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