The Cover SpecGram Archives

Speculative Grammarian

Volume CLXX, Number 2

June 2014

ISSN: 1938-0720

Etymology is for the BridsA Letter from the Executive Editor
LinguimericksBook ९
FunologyClassical CyberphonemicsRachel Jamison
Towards Gender Equality in Computational LinguisticsOleg Gerakoff
From the Archives!Editorial MatéThe SpecGram Archive Elves™
The SpecGram InquisitionMikael Thompsonwith Inquisitor Generalis Jonathan Downie
Plentiful Things You Didn’t Know You Didn’t KnowMadalena Cruz-Ferreira
What English NeedsBy Peter William Carrillo
One Hundred Words for SnowcloneClaude Searsplainpockets and X. Izthunüblakk
What is That Mess on the Cover?The Speculative Grammarian Essential Guide to Linguistics Cover ContestAdvertisement
L’Ishing du Gwujlang IIDorothea Dorfman and Theodora Mundorf