The Historicity of Texts and the Textuality of History
by Edgartina Olláphersen and Olafrinia Etkarzön
Published 2009. Hardcover, xliv + 784 pages. Price: USD $299.95
In the latest addition to our world-famous Chiasmus Linguistics Project, Psammeticus Press is proud to present a pivotal work that no other academic linguistics press could ever have hoped to publish: The Historicity of Texts and the Textuality of History. This magnificent tome represents a significant advancement of knowledge in the noble field of linguistics.
The authors, the two world-renowned scholars of historical sociopragmatic discourse analysis, Edgartina Olláphersen and Olafrinia Etkarzön, have made a praiseworthy, meaningful contribution, that maintains the absolute highest standards in the field, single-handedly vaulting linguistics to its rightful place at the pinnacle of the intellectual sciences.
This book, written by these two outstanding theorists among linguists, full of great thoughts, represents a fundamental transformation of linguistics, surpassing the expectations of our editors, and, we are confident, of the entire scholarly community, taking a place of pride not only among the humanities, but in fact among all the branches of Philosophie.
These world-class scholars, the best and brightest in all of linguisticdom, are guaranteed a place in academic history, and we at Psammeticus Press celebrate this book, and revel in it as an actualization of all that linguistics publishing should be.
This world-class volume is nothing short of Linguistics Perfected. (Take that, Panini Press.)
In order to celebrate the launch of The Historicity of Texts and the Textuality of History, and an accompanying 52-week world book tour by Edgartina Olláphersen and Olafrinia Etkarzön, Psammeticus Press will be hosting a launch party in the Syntax Room of the Sapir-Whorf Historia Hotel and Sushi Bar in the Empire State Building, NYC. The party will be held from September 15-22, 2009. One-day passes are $450 per person, and availability is limited. This will be the biggest blowout in academic publishing history.
Do not miss your chance to hobnob with the authors of this stunning masterwork and the brilliant editors and publishers at Psammeticus Press who made it all happen—we can make it all happen for you, too!