For your amusement as Valentine’s Day approaches, we present a collection of recordings of various poems that have appeared in SpecGram and our sister publications over the years, all read by Editor-in-Love Jonathan van der Meer. These vignettes of love, lust, longing, loss, and linguistics are sure to stir your heart.
How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Draw a Tree Diagram
by Alex Savoy; From Volume CLXI, Number 2, of Speculative Grammarian, March 2011.
My Love is Like a Colorless Green Simile
by Rasmus Burns; From Volume CLXIV, Number 2, of Speculative Grammarian, March 2012.
by John Miaou; From Volume CLVII, Number 3, of Speculative Grammarian, November 2009.
by Epiphanios o Phantasiopliktos; From Volume CLXI, Number 1, of Speculative Grammarian, February 2011.
by Edgar Allan Slater; From Volume XVI, Number 1, of The Journal of the Linguistic Society of South-Central New Caledonia, September 1991.
As an added bonus, here are a couple of favorite love(?) songs:
λ♥[love] (Linguistics Love Song)
by Christine Collins; From Volume CLXII, Number 1 of Speculative Grammarian, June 2011.
by Die Lingulelen; From Volume CLXIX, Number 3 of Speculative Grammarian, March 2014.
Check out the full podcast feed, which includes our wild and crazy talk show, Language Made Difficult!