Out on Parole
Publishing Notices and General Ravings from the Editor
mit Rob Norris, Esq.
Langue du Monde has shifted paradigms, as lesser men might put it, and more-or-less faxed its entire production process to the chilly, immer foggy, groovy, bitchin’, heinous, and above all extraordinarily rich community of Santa Barbara, California. Well, actually we’re located in the somewhat less affluent sub-community of Isla Vista, a student-officiated war zone adjacent to the beach and UCSB, but for political reasons we will claim Santa Barbara as our occidental headquarters.
Although LdM was purchased for $1,000,000 late last spring in a fit of Panic and Vision (thus the change of scenery), readers are still encourage to send all bills and complaints to former editor Rev. Timothy Z. Pulju in Houston; he needs the attention in his retirement, and the current editorship tend to disregard debt and criticism as a matter of policy.
Other than that bit, I really don’t have much to say this issue, since this is the first issue coming from our new West-Coast offices. So I will just give a word of welcome to you, the dear reader, who really should send us food or money because we’re sort-of in a bad way, what with all the Xeroxing and all.
For those of you new to Langue du Monde, I sincerely hope your reading experience will be a low-anxiety one. We hope that you find the articles interesting, and if there’s anything you’d like to see in future issues of LdM, write it and send it to us and we’ll try to work it in.
Which brings me to my main point, I guess. Langue du Monde is a little like Public Radio in that it’s reader-sponsored, but LdM goes a step further and is actually reader-produced. All readers are encouraged, nay compelled by the far-reaching will of the collective editorship, to submit articles, centered in any of the various linguistic fields or their wide periphery. In addition to articles, cartoons, poetry, fiction and generally anything that’s appropriate for 2-D publication will be considered.
The editors reserve the right to introduce spelling errors into articles accepted for publication, but we will generally not edit articles in any substantial way without the prior consent of the author. If the article really sucks, we might send it back, but it’s never happened so far in the history of the LSSCNC and it probably never will since we can’t afford stamps.
[Editor’s note: As the astute reader will have deduced, Messrs. Slater and Norris are no longer publishing JLSSCNC. The Linguistics Department of UCSB has asked that you not bother them with submissions to JLSSCNC. Any submissions which would have been appropriate for JLSSCNC would be appropriate for SpecGram.—eds.]
New from the LSSNC Press...
As a new service to our dear readers we are offering back-issues of previous publications, as well as LSSNC Papers: Volume I, a new collection of the best articles from Psammeticus Quarterly and its various descendants, and, of course, FAMOUS LINGUIST BUBBLE GUM TRADING CARDS™.
Send all orders to LSSNC Press, c/o Department of Linguistics, Univesity of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106. Include about a dollar for shipping.
Noise in the System—Letters to the Editor |
Langue du Monde — JLSSCNC Vol XVI, No 1 Contents |