The delve Syndrome—Gabriel Lanyi SpecGram Vol CXCIV, No 3 Contents Retractions, Rejections and Reconstructions: The Multiply Integrated Lives of Linguistics Texts—Book Announcement from Psammeticus Press

Proverbial Wisdom

The SpecGram Apophthegmatical Elves™

At Speculative Grammarian, we have a long history of helping people in their linguistic careers, from providing our guide to such careers, to promoting soundtracks, even to showing the greatest linguistics films.

After six of our interns broke loose and ended up on a linguistic archaeology site, we allowed them back into the building on the proviso that they shared their findings with us. We were astonished to discover that they had brought with them many ancient proverbs, overflowing with linguistic wisdom. These are collected below.

The delve SyndromeGabriel Lanyi
Retractions, Rejections and Reconstructions: The Multiply Integrated Lives of Linguistics TextsBook Announcement from Psammeticus Press
SpecGram Vol CXCIV, No 3 Contents