In the December 2021 Letter from the Editor-
Come 2022, we’ll be re-organizing, re-vamping, re-tooling, and otherwise productively applying re- to various verbs here at SpecGram... SpecGram will plan to publish four times a year.
Well, 2022 has comequarterly quadriannual semibiannual trimonthly bisesquimonthly nonagintaquotidian triskaidecahebdomadal issues of the year. SpecGram, its Editorial Board, and our various projects and processes have been once again organized, vamped, and tooled, and we are better and more productive for it. Yes, indeed! We all
As the year nears its end and this issue nears publication, I find that I am grateful to and for our editors, contributors, and patrons.* I’m truly grateful for phonology, sociolinguistics, and historical linguistics. I try very hard to be grateful for phonetics, morphology, and semantics. I tolerate pragmatics, discourse analysis, and computational linguistics. And I grudgingly admit that syntax does, in fact, exist.
I am also grateful for SpecGram, and I hope that you, too, have fond feelings toward this, the premier scholarly journal featuring research in the neglected field of satirical linguistics. I hope next year brings each of us more happiness and gratitude, more peace and equanimity, and more felicitous data and elegant theories.
For now
* In many senses