Chiasmus of the Month Awards
This somewhat irregular monthly award is a sign of our recognition of and deep appreciation for the authors’ contribution to the upholding of decent writing standards in academic literature and to the dissemination of the finest of speech figures. Winners are selected each month by our Chiastic Editor and Editorial Chiasturge. The honorees to date are listed below.
Chiasmus of the Month, October 2024
Larry Vandergrift, 2004, “Listening to Learn or Learning to Listen?”, Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 24, pp. 3–25.
Chiasmus of the Month, January 2024
Pierre Larcher, 2001, “Moyen arabe et arabe moyen,” Arabica 48.4, pp. 578–609
Chiasmus of the Month, October 2023
Anita Sujoldžić and Alexandre Duchêne, May 2016, “The Language of Privatization and the Privatization of Language” Panel, IUAES Inter-Congress: World Anthropologies and Privatization of Knowledge: Engaging Anthropology in Public, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Chiasmus of the Month, March 2023
Juergen Wastl and Danielle Feger, 2014, “VM408 folio86v ‘The Rosette Map’: Elements of a Mappa mundi and a map of the Elements”
Chiasmus of the Month, December 2022
Natalia Levshina, Dirk Geeraerts, & Dirk Speelman, 2014, “Dutch causative constructions: Quantification of meaning and meaning of quantification,” in Corpus Methods for Semantics, John Benjamins
Chiasmus of the Month, September 2022
Benvenuto Terracini, 1963, Lingua libera e libertà linguistica; introduzione alla linguistica storica, Torino, Einaudi, Torino.
Chiasmus of the Month, June 2022
Artemis Alexiadou, Hagit Borer, Florian Schäfer (eds.), 2014, The Syntax of Roots and the Roots of Syntax, Oxford University Press.
Chiasmus of the Month, September 2021
Lintao Qi, 2018, “Translation of Sex and Sexual Translations,” in Jin Ping Mei English Translations: Texts, Paratexts, and Contexts, Routledge.
Chiasmus of the Month, June 2021
Nathalie Rossi-Gensane, 2017, “Des normes d’usage pour des usages non normés ? L’exemple de certaines constructions détachées en rupture”, in Colette Feuillard (ed.) Usage, norme et codification. De la diversité des situations à l’utilisation du numérique, EME Éditions.
Chiasmus of the Month, April 2021
Marc Blancher, 2015, “De l’auteur de jeux de mots aux jeux de mots d’auteur”, in Esme von Winter-Froemel & Angelika Zirker (eds.), Enjeux du jeu de mots, De Gruyter Mouton.
Chiasmus of the Month, March 2021
Frank McConnell, Gary Westfahl (ed.) 2009, The Science of Fiction and the Fiction of Science, McFarland & Company.
Chiasmus of the Month, October 2020
Mi-Cha Flubacher, 2014, Integration Durch Sprache—Die Sprache Der Integration: Eine Kritische Diskursanalyse Zur Rolle Der Sprache in Der Schweizer Und Basler Integrationspolitik 1998–2008, Göttingen: V&R unipress.
Chiasmus of the Month, June 2020
Karen Stollznow, 2014, “Pet Psychics and Psychic Pets,” in Language Myths, Mysteries and Magic, Palgrave Macmillan.
Chiasmus of the Month, May 2020
Michel Petit, 2010, “Le discours spécialisé et le spécialisé du discours: repères pour l’analyse du discours en anglais de spécialité,” E-rea 8.1.
Chiasmus of the Month, April 2020
Dalal Mahmoud ElGemei, 2014, “Translation of Deception or Deception in Translation: A Cognitive-Pragmatic Based study of deception in translation”, in Said Faiq, Ovidi Carbonell, Ali Almanna (eds.), Culguage in/of Translation from Arabic series, Lincom.
Chiasmus of the Month, March 2020
Helene Balslev Clausen, Carmen Cortés Zaborras, Ase Johnsen (eds.), 2015, El discurso de instituciones, empresas y viajeros: Del texto al turismo y del turismo al texto, Peter Lang.
Chiasmus of the Month, February 2020
Georgia Fragaki and Dionysis Goutsos, 2015, “Women and Men Talking About Men and Women in Greek”, Jesús Romero-Trillo (ed.), Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics 2015. Current Approaches to Discourse and Translation Studies. Springer.
Chiasmus of the Month, December 2019
Elisabeth Leiss and Sonja Zeman, 2018, Die Zukunft von Grammatik—Die Grammatik der Zukunft: Festschrift für Werner Abraham anlässlich seines 80. Geburtstags, Stauffenburg Verlag.
Chiasmus of the Month, November 2019
Barbara Landau, 1994, “Where’s what and what’s where: The language of objects in space,” Lingua, 92, pp. 259–296.
Chiasmus of the Month, October 2019
The organisers of the conference Traduire La Performance/Performer La Traduction, held in Paris, France, December 2019.
Chiasmus of the Month, August 2019
Claudia von Aufschnaiter, Sibel Erduran, Jonathan Osborne, and Shirley Simon, 2008, “Arguing to Learn and Learning to Argue: Case Studies of How Students’ Argumentation Relates to Their Scientific Knowledge,” Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 45, pp. 101–131,
David H. Jonassen and Bosung Kim, 2010, “Arguing to Learn and Learning to Argue: Design Justifications and Guidelines,” Educational Technology Research and Development, 58, pp. 439–457.
Chiasmus of the Month, July 2019
Pieter Muysken (ed.), 2008, From Linguistic Areas to Areal Linguistics, Studies in Language Companion Series 90. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Chiasmus of the Month, June 2019
Alain Deschamps, 1994, De l’ecrit à l’oral et de l’oral à l’ecrit: Phonétique et orthographie de l’anglais, Editions Ophrys.
Chiasmus of the Month, April 2019
Roman Jakobson, 1968, “Poetry of Grammar and Grammar of Poetry,” Lingua 21, pp. 597–609.
Chiasmus of the Month, March 2019
Ottmar Ette & Gesine Müller (eds.), 2015, Visualisierung, Visibilisierung und Verschriftlichung. Schrift-Bilder und Bild-Schriften im Frankreich des 19. Jahrhunderts, Verlag Walter Frey.
Chiasmus of the Month, February 2019
Natalia Levshina, Dirk Geeraerts and Dirk Speelman, 2014, “Dutch causative constructions: Quantification of meaning and meaning of quantification,” in Dylan Glynn and Justyna A. Robinson (eds.), Corpus Methods for Semantics. Quantitative studies in polysemy and synonymy. John Benjamins.
Chiasmus of the Month, November 2018
Fatih Bouguerra, 2013, De la grammaire du sens au sens de la grammaire: la grammaire négociée en lycée professionnel, Linguistique. Université Jean-Monnet-Saint-Étienne.
Chiasmus of the Month, October 2018
Delia Chiaro, 2010, “Translation and Humour, Humour and Translation,” in D. Chiaro (Ed.) Translation, Humour, Literature Continuum International Publishing Group.
Chiasmus of the Month, September 2018
Elena Musi, 2015, “Argomentare parlando e parlare argomentando: la polisemia della parola argomento nella Divina Commedia”, L’Analisi Linguistica e Letteraria Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 265–284.
Chiasmus of the Month, August 2018
Ivan A. Derzhanski, 2005, “On Diminutive Plurals and Plural Diminutives,” in Geert Booij, et al. (eds.), Morphology and Linguistic Typology, On-line Proceedings of the Fourth Mediterranean Morphology Meeting (MMM4) Catania, 21-23 September 2003. Università degli Studi di Bologna.
Chiasmus of the Month, July 2018
Réseau francophone de sociolinguistique, June 2019, for their Congrès 2019 motto: “Langues de valeur et valeur des langues.”
Chiasmus of the Month, June 2018
Georg Kremnitz, 1994, “Sprechen und Denken—Denken und Sprechen. Zur Frage der sprachlichen Relativität,” Quo vadis, Romania? No. 3, pp. 63–72.
Chiasmus of the Month, May 2018
Donald A. Becker, 1982, “Teaching Basic Phonology through Phonology in BASIC,” Innovations in Linguistics Education Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 1–27.
Chiasmus of the Month, February 2018
Ana-Maria Cozma, Abdelhadi Bellachhab, Marion Pescheux (eds.), 2016, Du sens à la signification. De la signification aux sens. Mélanges offerts à Olga Galatanu, Peter Lang.
Chiasmus of the Month, October 2017
Tore Kristiansen and Nikolas Coupland (Eds.), 2011, Standard Languages and Language Standards in a Changing Europe, Oslo: Novus forlag.
Chiasmus of the Month, August 2017
Maria do Carmo Lourenço Gomes, Celeste Rodrigues, & Isabel Alves, 2016, “EFFE—Escreves como falas—falas como escreves?”, Revue Romane 51:1.
Chiasmus of the Month, May 2017
Rodolphe Ghiglione & Alain Blanchet, 1991, Analyse de contenu et contenus d’analyses, Dunod.
Chiasmus of the Month, April 2017
Margarita Borreguero & Luis Luque Toro (eds.), 2011, Linguistica italiana in Spagna, linguistica spagnola in Italia, Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata, Pacini.
Chiasmus of the Month, March 2017
Luna Filipović & Martin Pütz (eds.), 2016, Endangered Languages and Languages in Danger: Issues of documentation, policy, and language rights., John Benjamins.
Chiasmus of the Month, February 2017
Eberhard Klein, Françoise Pouradier Duteil, Karl Heinz Wagner (eds.), 1991, Betriebslinguistik und Linguistikbetrieb, Tübingen: Niemeyer.
Chiasmus of the Month, January 2017
Toon van Hal, 2010, “Moedertalen en taalmoeders”: Het vroegmoderne taalvergelijkende onderzoek in de Lage Landen, Peeters.
Chiasmus of the Month, September 2016
Steve Farrow, 1994, “The Nature of Syntax and the Syntax of Nature”, Language and Communication 14:3.
Chiasmus of the Month, July 2016
Joshua Fishman, 1967, “Bilingualism with and without diglossia; Diglossia with and without bilingualism”, Journal of Social Issues, 23.
Chiasmus of the Month, June 2016
Joaquim Brandão De Carvalho, 2002, “Formally-grounded phonology: From constraint-based theories to theory-based constraints”, Studia Linguistica 56.3.
Chiasmus of the Month, May 2016
Tom Cobb and Marlise Horst, 2011, “Does Word Coach coach words?”, CALICO Journal 28:3.
Chiasmus of the Month, April 2016
The organisers of the conference, MwALT 2015, Writing Assessments and Assessing Writing: Research and Practice, October 2015, in Iowa City, Iowa.
Chiasmus of the Month, March 2016
Katarzyna Szal, 2012, Finnish Literature in Poland, Polish Literature in Finland: Comparative Reception Study from a Hermeneutic Perspective, University of Eastern Finland.
Chiasmus of the Month, February 2016
J. Yellowlees Douglas, 2001, The End of Books—or Books Without End?: Reading Interactive Narratives, University of Michigan Press.
Chiasmus of the Month, January 2016
Costas Canakis, 2015, “The desire for identity and the identity of desire: language, gender and sexuality in the Greek context”, Gender and Language 9:1.
Chiasmus of the Month, November 2015
Luc Dall’Armellina, 2014, “Jeux dialogiques & dialogique du jeu: éléments pour une esthétique de l’altérité”, In: Catherine Boré (ed.), Études de linguistique appliquée Nº1/2014.
Chiasmus of the Month, September 2015
Lucja Iwanska and Stuart C. Shapiro (eds.), 2000, Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Representation: Language for Knowledge and Knowledge for Language, MIT Press.
Chiasmus of the Month, August 2015
Sabrina Bendjaballah, Noam Faust, Mohamed Lahrouchi and Nicola Lampitelli (eds.), 2014, The Form of Structure, the Structure of Form: Essays in honor of Jean Lowenstamm, John Benjamins.
Chiasmus of the Month, July 2015
Eberhard Klein, Françoise Pouradier Duteil, & Karl Heinz Wagner (eds.), 1991, Betriebslinguistik und Linguistikbetrieb. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
Chiasmus of the Month, June 2015
Natalia Levshina, Dirk Geeraerts, and Dirk Speelman, 2014, “Dutch causative constructions: Quantification of meaning and meaning of quantification”, in Corpus Methods for Semantics: Quantitative studies in polysemy and synonymy, John Benjamins.
Chiasmus of the Month, May 2015
The organisers of the conference Quality of Models and Models of Quality, October 2015, in Stockholm, Sweden.
Chiasmus of the Month, April 2015
Costantino Maeder, Olga Fischer and William J. Herlofsky (eds.) 2005, Outside-in—Inside-out, Iconicity in Language and Literature 4, John Benjamins.
Chiasmus of the Month, March 2015
Philip Baldi, 1991, Patterns of Change, Change of Patterns: Linguistic Change and Reconstruction Methodology, Mouton de Gruyter.
Chiasmus of the Month, February 2015
Jaakko Hintikka, 1976, “The Semantics of Questions and the Questions of Semantics”, Acta Philosophica Fennica, 28:4.
Chiasmus of the Month, January 2015
The organisers of the conference Methoden für die Vielfalt—Vielfalt der Methoden, December 2014, in Heidelberg, Germany.
Chiasmus of the Month, November 2014
Vikram Chandra, 2014, Geek Sublime: The Beauty of Code, the Code of Beauty, Graywolf Press, Minneapolis Minnesota.
Chiasmus of the Month, October 2014
Robert Nicolaï, (ed.), 2014, “Limits of Contact, Contact as its Limits” in Questioning Language Contact. Leiden, Boston: Brill.
Chiasmus of the Month, May 2014
Tobias Roth, 2014, Wortverbindungen und Verbindungen von Wörtern, Narr Dr. Gunter.
Chiasmus of the Month, April 2014
The organisers of the “Writing Research Across Borders III” Conference, for their Symposium “Researching to Write, Writing to do Research: Writing research in researchers training in Latin America”, held in Paris, France, February 2014.
Chiasmus of the Month, March 2014
The organisers of the “Writing Research Across Borders III” Conference, for their Symposium “Writing to learn, learning to write. Literacy and disciplinarity in upper secondary education”, held in Paris, France, February 2014.
Chiasmus of the Month, January 2014
Sandro Nielsen, 2013, “The Future of Dictionaries, Dictionaries of the Future”,
in The Bloomsbury Companion To Lexicography, Bloomsbury Publishing.
Chiasmus of the Month, December 2013
The organisers of the international congress Langage du travail, travail du langage, held at Université de Toulouse, October 2008.
Chiasmus of the Month, November 2013
The organisers of the conference Distance in Language, Language of Distance, held in Munich, Germany, April 2013.
Chiasmus of the Month, October 2013
The organisers of the conference Le sens du partage / Le partage du sens: Hommage à Maria Helena Araújo Carreira, held in Paris, France, September 2013.
Chiasmus of the Month, September 2013
The organisers of the Applied Linguistics Conference 2013: “Practice in Language, Language in Practice”, held in Skopje, Macedonia, June 2013.
Chiasmus of the Month, August 2013
The Fourth Annual UVA Slavic Forum at the University of Virginia, 2013, for their theme: “The Power of Language, The Language of Power”.
Chiasmus of the Month, June 2013
Charles Kraitsir, 1854, Glossology: being a treatise on the Nature of Language and on the Language of Nature. Second edition. Charles B. Norton.
Chiasmus of the Month, April 2013
Frank Jablonka, 2012, “La Romania en terre arabe et l’arabe dans la Romania: trames d’échanges complémentaires” in Vers une socio-sémiotique variationniste du contact postcolonial: le Maghreb et la Romania européenne, Praesens Verlag.
Chiasmus of the Month, March 2013
Oliver Niebuhr, 2009, “Intonation segments and segmental intonations”. in Proceedings of the 10th Interspeech Conference, Brighton.
Chiasmus of the Month, January 2013
Sibelan Forrester, 2012, “A Russian in Persia, and Persia in Russian: Translating
Yuri Tynianov’s ‘The Death of the Vazir-Mukhtar’ ”.
Lecture delivered as part of the “New Directions in Russia, Eastern Europe, and Eurasia” series at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, November 1, 2012.
Chiasmus of the Month, October 2012
Alice Gaby, 2011, “Reciprocal-marked and marked reciprocal events in Kuuk
Thaayorre”, in Reciprocals and Semantic Typology, John Benjamins.
Chiasmus of the Month, September 2012
Michaela Mahlberg, 2012, “The corpus stylistic analysis of fiction—or the fiction of corpus stylistics?”, in Corpus Linguistics and Variation in English: Theory and Description, Rodopi.
Chiasmus of the Month, August 2012
Catharina Fernanda Peersman, Rik Vosters, and Gijsbert Rutten, 2012, “Conflicts in the city, cities in conflict? Romano-Germanic encounters in the Low Countries”, thematic section at the 19th Sociolinguistics Symposium.
Chiasmus of the Month, June 2012
Stanford University’s Center for Race, Ethnicity, and Language, 2012, “Racing Language, Languaging Race” Symposium.
Chiasmus of the Month, May 2012
Institute of Germanic-Romance Languages and Cultures of Tallinn University, 2012, “Translating Power, Empowering Translation: Itineraries in Translation History” conference.
Chiasmus of the Month, March 2012
7th BAAL Learning and Teaching SIG conference, 2011,
“Theorising practice and practising theory: developing local pedagogies in language teaching”.
Chiasmus of the Month, February 2012
Japan Association for Language Teaching,
whose motto is “Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn”.
Chiasmus of the Month, November 2011
Stephanie Harves and Richard S. Kayne, 2012,
“Having Need and Needing Have”, in Linguistic Inquiry 43:1.
Chiasmus of the Month, August 2011
Aloysius Ngefac, 2011,
“Globalising a local language and localising a global language: the case of Kamtok and English in Cameroon”, in English Today 27:1.
Chiasmus of the Month, July 2011
Jonathan David Bobaljik, 1992,
“Nominally Absolutive is Not Absolutely Nominative”. In
The Proceedings of WCCFL 12.
Chiasmus of the Month, June 2011
Janet W. D. Dougherty, 1979,
“Learning Names for Plants and Plants for Names”.
In Anthropological Linguistics 21:6; 298-315.
Chiasmus of the Month, May 2011
David M. T. Arnold, 2011,
“On the Origin of Myths and Myths of Origin: How views on the origins of languages can be more significant than genetic ethnicity in forming group identity”.
Paper presented at Undergraduate Linguistics Association of Britain 2011, 25-27 March 2011, Edinburgh, UK.
Chiasmus of the Month, March 2011
Elmar Schafroth,
«Crisi nelle lingue—lingue in crisi»
in: Elmar Schafroth/Christine Schwarzer/Domenico Conte (Hg.), Krise als Chance aus historischer und aktueller Perspektive/Crisi e possibilità: prospettive storiche e attuali, Oberhausen (Athena) 2010, 145-177.
Chiasmus of the Month, February 2011
Joseph Greenberg (ed.), 1963, Universals of Language. The Hague: Mouton
Joseph Greenberg, 1966, Language Universals, Cambridge: MIT Press.
Chiasmus of the Month, January 2011
Federico Gobbo, 2009,
Fondamenti di Interlinguistica ed Esperantologia:
Pianificazione linguistica e lingue pianificate,
Milano: Raffaello Cortina editore.
Chiasmus of the Month, December 2010
Thomas J. Creswell, 1975, Usage in dictionaries and dictionaries of usage, University of Alabama Press.
Chiasmus of the Month, November 2010
Denise E. Murray (ed.) 2008, Planning Change, Changing Plans. Innovations in Second Language Teaching, University of Michigan Press.
Chiasmus of the Month, September 2010
E. Adelaide Hahn, 1941, “Quintilian on Greek letters lacking in Latin and Latin letters lacking in Greek (12.10.27-29)”. In Language 17 (1); 24-32.
Chiasmus of the Month, July 2010
Pierre-Jean Rousselot, 1891, Les modifications phonétiques du langage étudiées dans le patois d’une famille de Cellefrouin (Charente). Doctoral Dissertation, University of Paris (p.26).
“Pour l, la langue s’appuie par la pointe sur le palais et vibre par les bords. Pour r, elle s’appuie par les bords et vibre par la pointe.”
Chiasmus of the Month, June 2010
Wolfgang Teubert, 2010, “Society presupposes language, and language presupposes society”, in Meaning, Discourse and Society, Cambridge University Press.
Chiasmus of the Month, February 2010
Gordon Wells, 2009, The Meaning Makers: Learning to Talk and Talking to Learn, Multilingual Matters.
Chiasmus of the Month, December 2009
Bruce Fraser and Ken Turner (eds.), 2009, Language in Life, and a Life in Language: Jacob Mey, A Festschrift, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Chiasmus of the Month, November 2009
Allison Beeby, Patricia Rodríguez Inés and Pilar Sánchez-Gijón (eds.), 2009, Corpus Use and Translating: Corpus use for learning to translate and learning corpus use to translate, John Benjamins.