Diary of a Xenolinguist—So-She Hat’O SpecGram Vol CLXXXIV, No 3 Contents SpecGram Classifieds

Snot-Caked Coke Nuggets XXIII

As part of our ongoing series resurrecting the forgotten gems of American disco, Cosmotel Records is pleased to present Snot-Caked Coke Nuggets XXIII: Universal Dance Grammar. With the end of the Linguistics Wars in 1975, young linguists were ready to break out their dancing shoes, rayon/orlon/nylon/acrylic digs and duds, and gold and silver chains, then strut out onto the dance floor in style and BOOGIE DOWN!!!

This album contains many of the greatest hits and unheralded wonders of the disco era in college towns with linguistics departments all around the country, many of which haven’t been played publicly since X-Bar Techno swept the scene.

Diary of a XenolinguistSo-She Hat’O
SpecGram Classifieds
SpecGram Vol CLXXXIV, No 3 Contents