Dear sirs/
In your recent NewsNibble, your reporter wrote regarding E-Prime, “The English variant, in which all forms of the verbs ‘to be’ and ‘to have’ are eliminated to try to improve clarity and reduce discrimination...” and added that “Experts at EnPhoWahrs University have pointed out that a similar, albeit less-
Jakob Romanson,
Professor of Linguistics, Kuhlerdan U.
Dear Jake,
We contacted someone from an institution marked by greater doctrinal purity and adhesion to orthodoxy than [sniff] your stomping grounds, Prof. Sue Persilius, Editor-
—Da Editorial Guys and Da Editorial Gals
* More or less; the latter figure varied depending on whether Baldwin or MacDonald was Prime Minister at the time of publication.
Dear Da Editorial Guys and Gals,
No, no, NO!!! That is not how you do it. You have to look at the way English treats auxiliary verbs. Auxiliary verbs move while full verbs stay put, except for “to be,” which is both an auxiliary and a full verb, except in the real world of syntactic reality, where clearly what is going on is that all forms of “to be” are purely auxiliary verbs and there is a zero full verb of existence, just like in Russian, which only differs in lacking auxiliary verbs (except in the future imperfect form)!!! Sheesh, I can’t believe I have to teach basic stuff like this to a bunch of self-
The Teacher You Clearly Never Had,
Expert, The Realm of Syntactic
Theory You Never Visited, Reality
P.S.: So there.
Dear Editors,
While I find Dhe /Vowoʃtʃæk/ Sisterz suggested spelling reform to be one of the less hare-
Are they so uncultured that they have never heard of Ernest Vincent Wright, Enrique Jardiel Poncela, Georges Perec, Gilbert Adair, or freakin’ Lasus of freakin’ Hermione? A disgrace.
Miz Margo32,
Your point is valid, sound, and logical. And it is wrong to act lippy about it
Dear Editors,
I am outraged. Your December issue was an embarrassment to the entire noble field of Linguistics. In your “Occam-
Please cancel my subscription forthwith.
Bryan Brandybuck, PhD
Lower Ipswitch Institute of Ips and Switches
Dear ΒВ-8,
Sorry for the delay in replying, as we had been following the maxim that screeds are not to be published without necessity. Unfortunately we got column inches to fill.
In honor of Occam’s razor, we will assume that you are not trying to get a free subscription extension by asking for yours to be cancelled, and that you genuinely want to cancel your subscription.
Please allow us to express our appreciation through the small token of extending your subscription for another five years, gratis.
With deep thanks,
The entire Speculative Grammarian Editorial Team
Dear Dudes/
In your recent November issue, Claude Hatcher, Esq. (is he “Esquire”? As he is from Georgia and not a colonel, since no such rank is listed, I believe that is the default title) writes, “Recent correspondence in this venue has repeatedly suggested that Dr. Pepper is a desirable beverage to imbibe when in Lubbock, Texas.”
I fear that Mr. Hatcher, Esq., misunderstood what he had heard. In West Texas, “to be in Lubbock” is slang for “to be in a coma,” and as you cannot imbibe in that condition, his statement is ill-
Sincerely yours,
Moll Luella “Salty” Poplins, PhD
Dear Sally Llewellyn “Malty” Popplers (AbC),
Texan English sure has some colorful turns of phrase, so none of this comes as any surprise to us, having spent a century in Houston.
On the other hand, de gustibus non est disputandum. If people like Lubbock, or Dr. Pepper, or even Big Red, let ’em! It’s no skin off your nasal vowel.
Speculative Grammarian accepts well-
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