Dear Editors,
I can’t believe the SpecGram Ministry of Propaganda has been resuscitated! Why have you allowed such a travesty of justice to occur? The MoP goaded many young scholars into action in the Great Linguistic War. While the physical damage was moderate
Aghast and agog, Chief Petty Offglide Lucas “Silent ɰ̊” de Turnervall (Ret.)
Dear Editors,
I can’t believe the SpecGram Ministry of Propaganda has been resuscitated! Why has it taken so long for this benison to be bestowed? The MoP goaded many young scholars into action in the Great Linguistic War. I myself joined the Sister- ’n’ Daughter-
Go Team!
Lt. C-Cmdr. Dodie “Weɪvi” Chan-
Dear Wavy & Gurgly,
It’s clear that different people have had different reactions to the Ministry of Propaganda over the years
Dear Speculative Grammarian,
I found your reductionist take on linguistic theories in the August issue to be an affront to academia, disrespectful to me personally, and an insult to “journalism”.
Don Pratt Hill, Ph.D.
Professor of Journolinguistics
Byz. Eebodhi School of Complaints
Dear SpecGram,
I found your reductionist take on linguistic theories in the August issue to be an affront to my funders, disrespectful to me personally, and an insult to “journalism”.
Sanjuanita Harrington, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Journolinguistics
Byz. Eebodhi School of Complaints
I found your reductionist take on linguistic theories in the August issue to be an affront to my professor, disrespectful to my professor, and an insult to “journalism”.
Emanuel Jerrod Gross, M.A.
Graduate Student of Journolinguistics
Byz. Eebodhi School of Complaints
Dear Specky G,
I found your reductionist take on linguistic theories in the August issue to be an affront to my academia, disrespectful to my professor, and generally hilarious! Keep up the great journalism.
Marlena Mothersborn, B.A.
Recent Graduate in Linguojournalism
Byz. Eebodhi School of Complaints
To the Divine Ms. M.2 and those other Hairy Gross Prats,
You are ¾ of an affront to academia. We leave “doing the math” as an exercise for the reader.
Speculative Grammarian accepts well-