A Sample of Self-Definers—Phonetics, Phonology, & Phonotactics: Part I
The SpecGram Book Elves™
Here is a ninth hand-curated selection from “Appendix A: A Self-Defining Linguistic Glossary”, a.k.a. “The only truly reliable cram sheet for your Linguistics 101 final”, from The Speculative Grammarian Essential Guide to Linguistics.
- anapytyxis
- atticipatory assimilation
- pheresis
- apocop
- asphiration
- assibilaʃion
- assililation
- Auslautverhärtunk
- bre̤a̤thy voice
- ǂliǂ
- clusser redushion
- k͡poarticulated stop
- crḛa̰ky vo̰ḭce
- debuccalihation
- den͊asalized
- devoicink
- diphthoung
- egress↑ive airflow
- etʃ ʼekʼtʼive
- lision
- epentthesis
- excrescentce
More to come...