A Sample of Self-Definers—Orthography, Typography, & Diacritics
The SpecGram Book Elves™
Here is an eighth hand-curated selection from “Appendix A: A Self-Defining Linguistic Glossary”, a.k.a. “The only truly reliable cram sheet for your Linguistics 101 final”, from The Speculative Grammarian Essential Guide to Linguistics.
- acúte accent
- brĕve
- CamelCase
- Capitalization
- çedilla
- circûmflex
- ᶁỉäçȑîṭĭčś
- diäeresis
- digraph
- gràve accent
- greengrocers apostrophe’s
- háček
- ɦooƙ
- hơrn
- lowercase
- mācron
- mispelling
- punctuation. punctuation? punctuation!
- “scare” quotes
- small caps
ylistic ligature
- tceypylmoiga
- typogræphic ligature
- ümläut
More to come...