A Speculative Grammarian by Any Other Name...
A Letter from the Editor-in-Chief
At this point in time, it’s hard to imagine SpecGram being anything other than Speculative Grammarian—though we revealed a few years ago that SpecGram began life as Íslensk Tölvumálvísindi in 881. The current name only became attached in 1276, but after more than 700 years it’s pretty well entrenched. There have been many times, however, when some unscrupulous editor has sought to cash in on a passing fad, or—worse—some guileless editor has sought to pay unwarranted homage to a passing fad, and Speculative Grammarian has come perilously close to onomastic disaster. Other proposals were obviously politically or ideologically motivated, and a few seem to have been completely unmotivated (much like certain linguistic theories, alas). Below is a sample of the rejects from recent centuries. If some of these journal titles appear to have been reused by others, it is almost certainly entirely coincidental.
- 23 /skɪdu/: The Magazine of Boffo Linguistics
- Allosaurus Lex
- L’Anti-Chomskÿiste
- Babel
- Ballyhoo of the Booboisie—Readings in Middle Class Morphosyntax
- Bodacious Langualogy for Radical Poindexters
- Cahiers de Linguistique
- Come Full Circle! The Journal of Hortatives and Hula Hoops
- Cyberlang: e-Zine of the Linguodigerati
- Dimph! The Zorch Mag for Egg-Heads
- Disco Deixis Letters
- e-Ling
- [Expletive Deleted]—Nixonian Linguistics in Review
- Fieldwork eJournal: DotCom Focus
- Flappers: The Red-Hot Mama’s Trilled Phoneme Monthly
- F**k Language! Studies in Punk Linguistics
- The Gangrene of Generativism
- Gangnam Generativism
- The Hipster’s Guide to Languages You Probably Never Heard Of
- The Honest Grammarian
- iGrammarian
- International Journal of American Linguistics
- International Journal of American Linguists—A Dating Guide
- Journal de la liberté de la linguistique
- Journal of Linguistics
- The Journal of the Linguistic Society of South-Central New Caledonia
- Journal of Whatever We Felt Like This Month
- Κοινή Διάλεκτος
- Language
- #Language
- Languagespeak
- Liberty Language and Victory Verbs
- Lingua
- Linguistic Inquiry
- The Low-Carb Linguistics Bulletin
- Metrical and Metrosexual Phonology
- Miscellanea Curiosa Linguistica
- Modern Language, Or Philology Betrayed: Consisting Of Several Histories Of The Principal Followers of William Jones. Very Proper To Be Read By All Young Philologists; As They Exhibit A Faithful Picture Of Those Arts Most Fatal To Youth And Innocence; And Of Those Miseries That Are The Never-Ending Consequences Of A Departure From Virtue.
- Mother of All Linguistics Journals
- Mutually Assured Deconstruction—The Annals of Nuclear Post-Modern Philology
- Notably Optimal Titles in Post-Positive-Negation. NOT!
- Okie Orality—The Dustbowl Fieldwork Review
- Occasional Papers in Electric Kool-Aid Linguistics
- Oceanic Linguistics
- OMG! Lx! YOLO!
- Paralinguistic Planking Roundtable Quarterly
Robert Nicolaï (ed.), 2014, “Limits of Contact, Contact as its Limits” in Questioning Language Contact. Leiden, Boston: Brill.
Chiasmus of the Month
October 2014
- Philologia, Grammatica, Dominium Mundi
- Philological collections, containing an account of such linguistick, grammatickal, verbal, ... experiments and observations as have lately come to the publishers hands
- Philological Transactions of the Royal Society
- Phonetica
- The Polyglottal Polesitter
- Post-Hodiernal Shock
- Prolixity and Prohibition: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Letters and Fermentation
- Psammeticus Quarterly
- Quarterly Journal of Studies and Letters Review
- Research in Break Dancing Semiotics
- Spec2K
- SpecGlam: Funky Studies in Rock and Role
- SpecGramagotchi
- Speckeroo Grammaroony
- Speculum Grammaticum: Or, an Almanack and Prognostications for the Year of our Journal 1712
- Speechnik, the Astrozine of Interstellar Linguonauts
- Splitting Hairs: The Bi-Annual Review of Multilingual Mullets
- Die Sprachlichen Ορθοδοξία und Pseudοöρθοδοξία
- Studies in Language
- Swingers’ Review of Groovy Grammar
- The “Tenure Me Elmo” Career Guide for Young Linguists
- Theoretical Linguistics
- Thongs Illustrated: Monophthongs, Diphthongs, Triphthongs, Tetraphthongs, and Bikini Bottoms
- *The Ungrammar
- The Universal philological bibliothèque: or An account of most of the considerable books printed in all languages in the month of ...
- Vrrb! Studies in Riot Grrl Linguistics
- What Would Chomsky Do? A Fawner’s Primer on Hypercorrect Theorization
- Word from the Bird: Discourse for Daddy-Os
- Word Up!
- X-bar X-ray—An Inside Perspective on Transformational Grammar
- Yippies and Yods—Psychedelic Pamphlets on Peacenik Pronunciation Across Amerika
- ∅-Exolinguistics—The Journal of