Dear Editors,
It appears that your “journal” has been infected by the corporate hegemonic commercialisation virus. I have noted that, since you brought out your latest “book”, adverts for it have been appearing in your oeuvre most unserendipitously. Indeed, in some issues, it even seems to have infected Letters from and to the Editor. It does make me wonder whether your editorial team are hoping to cream off the profits and start up a new funding agency. The Sarcastic Printed Othered Orphans Fund, perchance?
Thusly, I would like to ask that you cease and desist from all advertisement for The Speculative Grammarian Essential Guide to Linguistics forthwith, and seek to mention The Speculative Grammarian Essential Guide to Linguistics only in your back pages, book review section and in copious stickers mentioning The Speculative Grammarian Essential Guide to Linguistics.
Sir Luke Sternly
I saw your letter, and I’ve hacked the editorial reply system so I can respond. Don’t worry, they’ll never notice. Anyway, like, I know, right? They totally oversell the hilarious and comparatively inexpensive The Speculative Grammarian Essential Guide to Linguistics, don’t they? And, like, they’re always going on about how you can get a hardcopy for like $12 or a PDF for like $6, and I’m like, I get it, I get it, it’s awesome. Even though it really is an enormous, luxurious, tenure-
But, hey, like, in the meantime you can check out the Cover Contest. There’s an autographed copy of the book floating around here somewhere and they’ve got to give it to somebody at the end of the year. You could already be a winner, dude!
—Skip Tacular
Sr. Junior Editorial Associate
Speculative Grammarian accepts well-
Cari editori,
Imma about to move fromma Roma toa Difficult, Tennessee
Mario Burazāzu
Dear Luigi,
Aren’t allergies and hernias the best way of transmitting knowledge from one generation to the next? If you didn’t sneeze over it and hurt yourself lifting it, have you really lived it and learned it? So what if your books are in some useless language like Latin
I’m deeply disappointed in the inaccurate and stereotypical manner in which you have represented Italian-
Sir Luke Sternly
Honestly, that letter came more or less just as you see it now
By the way, when are you getting back together with Matthew, Mark, and Ringo? Like J.B.S. Haldane, we have always had an inordinate fondness for the beetles.