The Cover SpecGram Archives

Speculative Grammarian

Volume CLXV, Number 3

September 2012

ISSN: 1938-0720

To the Computational LinguistsA Letter from the Managing Editor
Letters to the Editor
Rejuvenated Things You Didn’t Know You Didn’t KnowMadalena Cruz-Ferreira
On a Recent Application of Game Theory to Linguistics EducationMongo Yalbag
Everything psychologists wanted to know about linguistics but were afraid to askProf. Dr. Harold Twistenbaum
G.U.I.L.T.y PleasuresA Complete and Comprehensive Theory of Language, Linguistics, and EverythingJäger Haumichblau
Whirl, Whirl, WhirlSpinning a Good YarnAn Anthropological Linguistic Study of the Prmu Ta Šn Register of the Ro Ta Tora DoresClaude Searsplainpockets & Helga von Helganschtein y Searsplainpockets
The Lost Lexicographer: Ambrose Bierce, Beelzebub, and Documentary LinguisticsBook Announcement from Psammeticus Press
IPAlindromes IIFind the IPAlindrome!Mary Shapiro