I saw your front page teaser “Needs more copula” (Vol. CLXV No. 1) and immediately realized you were chumming for word trolls who might jump at the opportunity to pop off about encouraging the use of fornicating action words... but I am above sophomoric bodily function humor. Sorry.
’i, J—
We’re not looking specifically for word trolls, though mytholingual creatures of all types are welcome at SpecGram.
In fact, the tagline “Needs More Copula” is an homage to the great satirical linguist Christopher Walken and his famous performance piece titled, in the original Italian American, “Needsa Mora Cowbella”.
Esteemed Éditeurs,
Schadenpoodle’s classification of Academicus (in issue CLXIII.1) as prokaryotic is pro-
B. O’Logique
JB Lamarck Institute für
Dear B.O.,
Your thesis smells a bit rotten. What would formants have to do with anything? The idea just doesn’t resonate with us.
Dear Eds,
While reading the Supplemental Letter to the Editor accompanying “Why Princes are not Scribes, and the Rat Eats Grain” I suffered an acute overexposure to the works of Julian Jaynes. For better or worse, it got me thinking.
Does anyone take Jaynes seriously? Couldn’t you deal with just about everything he talks about by saying that it was common for people to talk about hunches or compulsive urges as being the imperfectly-
Rev. E. Rend
Hullabaloo, Arkansas
Dear Rev. Run DMC,
Our good friend Equus Q. Quagga has recently developed an alternate theory to explain such auditory hallucinations: It wasn’t their right hemispheres at all; the overabundance of phonotronic energy in the early human environment simply resulted in the occasional “grounding” event, similar to electrical arcing, with some of these events being similar enough to actual speech to be mistaken for it. With the increase in population of language-
Speculative Grammarian accepts well-