SpecGram Vol CLXIV, No λ Contents Why Princes are not Scribes, and the Rat Eats Grain—Solvi T. Perverbum

Special Supplemental Letter from the Editor

It is with great interest and delight that we received a communiqué from Prof. Perverbum of the Institute of Euphratic Studies of the University of Nueva Escranton (and, engendering a somewhat lesser sense of interest and delight, also from Prof. Halfermain and Prof. Paryadok). We have been following Prof. Perverbum’s work among the Kenduzandi ruins for some time, via his published findings, conference presentations, and our network of anthropological spies and covert agentswhich we maintain, as most reputable linguistics journals do, to prevent too many ridiculous language-related claims from being made outside linguistics.

The tablets uncovered by Prof. Perverbum and his team have kindly been preserved in, and by way of a generous grant from, the Weyland Tiberius Flanderklieg Archives, who have provided us with a high-quality scan of one of the tablets to include with “Why Princes are not Scribes, and the Rat Eats Grain”.

The epic mythological quality of the narrative is enough to qualify this tale as great world literature, but the subtle linguistic insights of the text provide a window into the collective mind of the Kenduzandi and how they once stood in cultural and linguistic contrast to their contemporaries.

Such insights are of the sort one might find in the writings of Julian Jaynessee his numerous works, including The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, 『神々の沈黙―意識の誕生と文明の興亡』, Der Ursprung des Bewußtseins durch den Zusammenbruch der bikameralen Psyche, «جایگاه آگاهی در فروپاشی ذهن دوجایگاهی», La naissance de la conscience dans l’effondrement de l’esprit, Происхождение сознания в процессе краха бикамерального разума, Il crollo della mente bicamerale e l’origine della coscienza, 《양원제 마음의 해체와 의식의 기원》, El Origen de la Conciencia en la Ruptura de la Mente Bicameral, and a few too many othersonly, y’know, the insights gained from the study of the Kenduzandi are actually meaningful.

Of course, the most [redacted] of the ██████ is certainly [redacted], as the █████ and the [redacted] ███████ are seen in the ██████’s ███ as [redacted]. Marklar!

Thus, Speculative Grammarian, in association with and under the auspices of Psammeticus Press, is proud to present this monograph as another special supplement to Volume CLXIV for our subscribersas well as our other, less remunerative readers.

Why Princes are not Scribes, and the Rat Eats GrainSolvi T. Perverbum
SpecGram Vol CLXIV, No λ Contents