As previously reported, our very own Butch McBastard has brought to light a satchel of papers and other miscellanea labeled, “Top Secret SpecGram Time Capsule, 1964incriminating evidence proprietary information drags on, but we are again able to share with our readers some of the valuables recovered from the satchel.
Here are photos of the twelfth archival item, believed by some to be the black box of the human language faculty, or at least a scale model thereof. It may be similar to that used by researchers at the Orvall Oryan School for the Onomastically Challenged to meta-
One of the Archival Interns was able to open the box and took a photo of the contents, which may possibly be a naked, living LAD. The intern in question went more than a little mad; we’re talking Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn-type madness. So, to prevent our readers from succumbing to a similar fate, we have pixelated the thing, whatever it may be, and closed up the box again. Oops.
More to come...