SpecGram >> Vol CLXIX, No 3 >> From the Archives!Ye Olde English Marmot RecipeThe SpecGram Archive Elves™

What Can Visualizations enGender?—Decreasing Man’s Power While Increasing Grammatical Accuracy—Megan Smith and Le Anne Lucia Spino SpecGram Vol CLXIX, No 3 Contents Copious Things You Didn’t Know You Didn’t Know—Madalena Cruz-Ferreira

From the Archives!—Ye Olde English Marmot Recipe

The SpecGram Archive Elves™

As previously reported, our very own Butch McBastard unearthed a satchel of papers and other miscellanea labeled, “Top Secret SpecGram Time Capsule, 1964Do Not Open for 50 Years!” The intermittent wrangling with the SpecGram legal team over potential incriminating evidence proprietary information continues, but we are again able to share with our readers some of the treasures found within the satchel.

Here is a photo of the eleventh archival item, a marmot recipe written on a scrap of parchment in Old English. The parchment has been radiocarbon dated to Eostur-mónaþ, 884 (±16.463298 mōnþas). The recipe is accompanied by a photo of a marmot affronté, dated 1949, the purpose of which is unknown.

Old English marmot recipe and 20th century photo

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© MCMLXXXVIII — MMXXV Speculative Grammarian