Earlier this year, in preparation for fieldwork in Mozambique, Chad, and Japan, I decided to review some Spanish-
After an extensive investigation, including much hounding of a hapless secretary at the publishing company, I was able to track down the actual voice actor who recorded the examples in question. This actor is, in fact, quite fluent in Español (Spanish); however, his native language is a very unusual, even tortured, tongue with which I was previously unfamiliar: Spanyol.
After tracking down and interviewing a small number of Spanyol speakers, I learned a few interesting and relevant facts about Modern Spanyol.
• Spanyol seems to be a language without a country, though most of the estimated twenty to forty thousand speakers live in Latin America or the United States, almost uniformly in regions where the language is in constant contact with Spanish. •
The most common profession among speakers of Spanyol is as Spanish- •
Language play, humor, and sharp wit are all much admired in Spanyol culture. Puns are regarded as one of the highest art forms; multi- • Phonetically and phonotactically, Modern Spanyol is a superset of Spanish, making all the phonetic distinctions Spanish does and allowing all the syllable structures that Spanish does, along with many others (such as v/b and ɾ/ɹ/r/ʀ distinctions, vowel length distinctions, allowing initial /s/+consonant clusters, et cetera). This has not always been the case, as we shall soon discover. •
The Spanyol writing system is a hodge- |
As a result of the linguistic-
Let us now consider the phrase that originally started me on this long, strange adventure. Below I present details of the purported Spanish phrase on the audio CD I listened to, along with the Spanyol phrase the voice actor finally admitted to me is what he actually intended when he spoke.
Gloss one, two, three Spanish (orthographical) uno, dos, tres Spanish (phonological) /uno dos tɾes/ Phonetic [uno:d̪os:tɾe:s:] Spanyol (phonological) /u no oðos stɾe es:/ Spanyol (orthographical) u! no oðos stρeh, eϛ Gloss INTERJECTION come 2ND.SG.NOM;1ST.SG.ALLATIVE EMPH.IMPER, lover O! Come to me, lover! or O! Come be atop me, lover!
A surprising number of other examples were to be found on the “Spanish”-
Spanish; diecinueve veinte veintiuno
Spanish; iré al almacén y compraré leche
Spanish; mi tía y su tío no son muy viejos
Spanish; ojalá que llueva café
the pencil of my brother
el lápiz de mi hermano
eλ aap isdem iyerm a no
sexy.2ND.DU/PL come
I wish I were able to come to both of
you for sexy
“nineteen twenty twenty-one”
Spanyol: ðie sinu eb-eb heint, eh, bheint yun o
“I keep lovin’ you more and more each time”
“I will go to the store and buy milk”
Spanyol: i re aλ-al maϛ eniko ομπяα aρel eč, eh
“Been makin’ love for hours and, baby, you’re goin’ strong”
“my aunt and your uncle are not very old”
Spanyol: miτi aiϛ uti onoϛ sonmu iъi, eh, њos
“Feel the fire; I’m burnin’ up from the thrill of loving you”
“if only it would rain coffee”
Spanyol: o! жal akeў webak aφe
“And, ooh, I swear I feel it comin’ on, yeah”
There is, of course, very little mainstream academic information on this secretive language. However, I did stumble across a fascinating historical document of inestimable value. One of the Spanyol speakers I interviewed was able to provide me with a Spanyol Primer self-
Even a cursory comparison of the version of Spanyol recorded in Koolosg’s prescriptivist screed (which I have taken to calling Middle Spanyol) and modern-
The expletive particle eh, introduced since Koolosg’s time, is freely used and seems to be able to appear almost anywhere in an utterance. Its use is especially heavy in Spanish/Spanyol puns
The phonetics of Spanyol have changed considerably. A number of distinctions made in Spanish but not in Middle Spanyol have come into the language, presumably intimately interrelated to the desire to make Spanyol/Spanish puns. For example, /u/ was merely a word-
Modern Spanyol has also lost the phonetic glottal stops that would appear intervocalically between words in Middle Spanyol. See example (5) again. The loss of the glottal stop often allows words to “run together” in a way that is realized as vowel lengthening. Both vowel lengthening and gemination can be explained away in, for example, pedagogical materials, as over- •
Word order has also changed somewhat drastically in Modern Spanyol. See example (5) yet again. The basic word order of Middle Spanyol has been hard to pin down, but seems to be OVS. The language is also heavily PRO- •
Modern Spanyol has also developed a complex voice system, including passive, middle, causative, reciprocal, and cooperative (possibly in part through inexplicable but apparently heavy contact with Mongolian in the 1870s). Modern Spanyol also supports a novel noun- |
Most of these further complexities are beyond the scope of this initial investigation, but seem at least in part to be motivated, ultimately, by a need for speakers to be able to manipulate Spanyol utterances
So, while recent voice work and, historically, other kinds of Spanish-
Despite that great loss, I was able to load considerable Middle and Modern Spanyol data into the Hockett Syntacular Morphemic Resonance Spectrometer, which is capable of measuring glottoradiological Swadesh Shift down to a hemidemisemiformant. Standard morphosyntactic reverse transcription -emic/
More research is necessary to unravel the intricacies of both the synchronic and diachronic systems. Said research will require more and abundant funding.
• Cash, Jàspàr Áłöišiüś, 2007. A Quick Bit of Refresher Spanish for Use in Planes, Trains, and Automobiles: A Contrastive Grammar Tuned Especially for Globe-
• Koolosg, Ran Des, 1811. Und Eeks yona Riod des Spanyol: Una gramática totalmente completa del lenguaje de Spanyol. Self Published, Asunción, Paraguay.
• Pelota-Grande, I. Juana, 2005. “Linguistic Topology,” Speculative Grammarian, Vol. CL. No. 2.
• van der Meer, Jonathan, 2005. “Letters to the Editor,” Speculative Grammarian, Vol. CL. No. 3.
Claude Searsplainpockets | Somewhere in the Luminiferous Αιθηρ |
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The Lexicalist Agenda—Exposing the Myths—Quentin Popinjay Snodgrass, Ph.D. |
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Cartoon Theories of Linguistics—Part E—Phonetics vs. Phonology—Hilário Parenchyma, C.Phil. |
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SpecGram Vol CLIII, No 1 Contents |