The Voiced Snore Debunked
I promised, in my last note, now to discuss that feature which
has made Moundsbar such a catchword among students of exotic
languages (hod-carriers and sheet-metal workers being notably less
concerned with it), the so-called “voiced snore.” “So-called” I
say, because it has turned out to be perhaps the rankest hoax to be
put over on the scholarly community since Cognitive Spelling, or
the smoking of oven-dried banana peelings in the late seventies.
Let us face facts. There are, essentially, only two ways in
which a pulmonic
“Ye knowe eek, that in forme of speche is chaunge
With-inne a thousand yeer, and wordes tho
That hadden prys, now wonder nyce and straunge
Us thinketh hem; and yet they spake hem so,
And spedde as wel in love as men now do.”
—Geoffrey Chaucer
ingressive uvular (properly, velic) trill can
possibly be voiced.
For if the vocal cords are approximated during
its production, they are doomed. Indeed, in December of last year,
the Nepalese phonetician Ramawatar Dhati attempted it, and
according to reports, swallowed his own larynx. Normal voicing,
then, is definitely out. Forget it. Kiss it off. There remains
either vibration of the lips during ingression, against which the
laws of physics amass themselves in galloping herds, or a jaw-harp
may be twanged against the upper incisors. Any other expedient
would make breathing an accomplishment of the highest order, let
alone anything we might call speech.
Nonetheless, there you have it; and since the phoneme
definitely exists in the language, though we do not know what it
is, I propose that we symbolize it as /5/ (there is no need, you
will recall, for numeral symbols in Moundsbar, the first
twenty-five numeral words being taboo, so we may as well use them for
something else). We will say that this phoneme has the
underlying properties that a voiced snore would have, if there
were any such sound; there are many precedents for this in
Classical Phonology, and if this is not the best possible analysis,
it definitely beats whatever is in second place.
We (you and I) have now described the Moundsbar syllabics,
including /N/, and the consonant /5/; the sound system up to now:
Letters to the Editor |
Post-Prescriptivist Performance Piece—Piotr Pablo Paulsen |
SpecGram Vol CLI, No 1 Contents |