Bilingualism in Rats: A Ten-Year Study
How To Employ All The Equipment In The Neurolinguistic Laboratory
Loraine Obler
Much recent work of fair sophistication has explored various
neuropsychological approaches to Hebrew-English
bilingualism, in hopes of shedding some light on the more
general problem of the brain’s organization for language,
but little thought has been put to the deeper problem of how
to impressively employ all the equipment in our laboratory.
It is to investigate this profound issue that we propose the
following project.
Little is known about the mechanisms of bilingualism, and
almost no work has been done in the rich field of
bilingualism in rats, which field should dafka be easier
to explore than humans, since most hold the hypothesis that
rats’ brains are smaller. Thus we propose developing
populations of balanced Hebrew-English bilingual rats, and
of course, of monolingual English and monolingual Hebrew
ones as controls. (It will be important to assure that the
bilinguals are exposed to no third language.) Advantage
must be taken of the tachistoscope in utilizing that
paragon of modern education, programmed learning, so that
each rat can proceed to learn the two languages at his or
her own pace.
The problem of feeding the rats will be solved by using the
two tape recorders; on one will continuously run a
loop presenting avid and loud scientific discussion, which
can be counted on to regularly attract one of the sanitary
staff, who, upon opening the door, will be instructed to
feed the rats the banana jacks and to clean the
ashtrays. (The second tape recorder will be attached
to the door alarm system by means of the voice-key
microphone which will activate the ocillagraph
which will scare the second tape recorder into giving its message.)
The carrousel projector will provide necessary
entertainment for the rats, in the respective languages.
The second microphone will provide an opportunity for
more creative rats to employ their newly acquired language
skills in addressing their fellows.
Original use will be made of the PDP-11 which will
serve the double function of housing the rats in its various
cells, and of employing its superb memory capacities à la
Russe to record everything that goes on in the lives of the
rats. The extra wires will be used, much as now, for
decoration. The Skinner box materials, though
incomplete, can still perform their most basic function of
skinning deceased rats to prepare them for post-mortem
The entire system will be housed in the sound-proof
acoustic box so as not to distract the secretary.
With such a set-up, we cannot help but get publishable
results; indeed, with luck and an intelligent first
generation of rats, we can get the rats themselves to do the
dirty details undescribed in this brief proposal: working
out experiments and writing up the articles. The true
elegance of this project must be seen in nothing so common
as benefit to aphasics, or mere pure knowledge as to how the
brain works, but rather in the brilliance of the design
which will finally have minimized the troublesome
variability effect of inconstant humans and will have
dramatically maximized the productivity of $20,000 worth of
machines. Such an impressive advance in Science can hardly
fail to attract grants for ever more machines, the true
recompense for valuable research.
Empty Speech: The Non-Certifiably Brain-Damaged—Loraine Obler |
Conversation as Paranoia—Hugo Aelgh |
Lingua Pranca Contents |