Empty Speech:
The Non-Certifiably Brain-Damaged
(A paper for oral presentation)
Loraine Obler
I always like to start a formal lecture off with a joke, you
know, to relax the audience or at least myself (pause) but
that will have to suffice, because time limitations being
what they are, I want to elaborate the serious side of my
First, I plan to lay my hypotheses in front of you, so that
they may be clearly articulated. Then to discuss what
experimentation, and I think at this stage of the studies
“experimentation” is a fair and useful term to apply to the
work which has been underway in our laboratory, which has in
fact been performed to resolve them, and finally to
speculate on the significance of the data, and particularly
the potentials for further study in this field.
Let me state my hypothesis briefly because we may have
started this session a bit late and I don’t know exactly how
long it will take me to present this paper, although I
assure you I have read it through a number of times, but I
know that it has always taken me longer than the 15 minutes
allotted me so I’ll just have to read it at a quick pace and
I’ll appreciate your attention because I know that complex
topics such as this one, even in the best structured talks,
may lead to confusion when read at greater than normal
pace. In any case, I should tell you I had planned to
include a number of fairly extensive quotations from the
work of other scientists, both in my field and in related
ones, which pertain, to greater or lesser degree, to the
topic at hand. Well I know it’s difficult to follow such
extensive quotes, which were of course intended to be read
by a reader to himself or herself, when they are read aloud
and monotonously by a lecturer, so perhaps I will just
shuffle through these pages right now and delete them.
(shuffle) Now I hope I haven’t cut out any important
transitions but let’s just assume I haven’t and get on with
the talk, which, as you know thanks to Dr. ______ who so
graciously in his or her introduction convinced you that I
needed no introducing and of course from your program where
the title of this talk is written, I am here to talk about,
well to report on, or if you will to digress on, a
phenomenon we have taken to calling, for want of a better
term, (by the way please do not think the terminology, not
to mention the concept, is itself not controversial, indeed
there are numerous scholars who use related concepts which
are labelled by terms related semantically, if not
philologically, which is to say through meaning if not
cognateness, or perhaps better, through function if not
form). Well—my topic here this morning, which I bring
forth for your observation and comment, is empty speech
(pause) of course, I refer to empty speech in the subject
who does not have certifiable brain damage and I think
before I launch into the specifics of the experimental
projects I plan to review here, I must analyze the term
empty speech, although I can see that time is moving
on, and I will perhaps not have the opportunity to present
you with the exemplary segments of empty speech I have taped
and brought with me by way of example. Empty speech, of
course, must be distinguished from silent speech, inasmuch
as empty speech sounds (looks up) ha ha—you perhaps have
previously been unwilling to consider the verb sound
as intransitive, but in this context I suspect you may
appreciate the implications—in any case—Not only, of
course, does empty speech differ from silent speech, which
can be either inner speech, or whispering, but empty speech
in fact must be distinguished from hesitant speech which
some might consider empty in the literal sense of that term,
since so much of speech time is in fact not filled with
speech, but rather with pauses—and “not filled” is
precisely, we could argue, what we mean by empty—notice I
employ the term mean here, as a sort of transition to
the interpretation which I in fact mean to, or you might
prefer, intend to, follow when I talk of empty speech. Thus
I intend reference to speech which shares all the qualities
of speech as we commonly refer to it, speech, I might be so
bold as to say, such as that which I am now producing in the
course of presenting this paper—but speech which, unlike, I
would hope, the speech of this talk, which is devoid, to a
great degree, of what has been called by philosophers among
others, and psychologists and linguists (who of course
regularly employ the term, if only fuzzily the concept)
meaning. Now the appellation empty speech, as a noun
phrase consisting of adjective and noun conjoined, has been
studied to some extent among brain-damaged patients, and
there are some, cynics I must say, who have considered it to
be a register of English which must be mastered before one
can become a full-fledged administrator in our society.
This concept, or notion, or dialect if you will, has gone
underdiscussed with respect to normal subjects, which is to
say, people who are suffering neither from brain damage, nor
from aspiration to, or I might pun illusions of,
administratorship. Indeed, or should one emphasize by
saying moreover, precisely, or even, among our peers, the
academics with whom we meet every day, and engage in
conversation, in the office, in the corridor, on the way to
lunch and after work at, say, a bus stop or a bar (but do not
think that this syndrome will occur only under the influence
of alcohol)—the skillful practitioner—and you will have
noted I have subtly (I like to think) shifted from viewing
this phenomenon as a syndrome with all the negative
connotations that word has, as if the use of empty speech
were undesirable, to consider it a skill, a talent if you
Well, I might at this point, justifiably in my estimation,
describe for you, in as great detail as time permits of
course, the subject sampling technique we employed, and the
procedures which we methodologically employed. Subjects
were chosen randomly, or pseudorandomly for the sticklers
among you. Let it not be thought that I select conferences
to attend on other than the strictest criteria of
localization, as subjects were all the participants
attending and presenting papers—This condition was added so
we could be assured of equivalent corpuses of text from each
subject—otherwise only the limited group of those who found
us useful would have bothered to converse with us for the
time necessary to collect a sizable speech sample, those
people then participating and presenting papers at the last
15 conferences I have been obliged to attend. Grossly
observable incidence of brain damage was excluded by noting
whether the subject used both hands in either gesturing or
clutching the lectern during the course of
her/his presentation. Curiously, given the size group one
encounters at any given conference, only 12% of the total
population were adjudged brain-damaged on the basis of these
criteria, and in fact most of these were instances of
tripping over the numerous wires barring their way to the
lectern, so it is impossible to ascertain if these
individuals were in fact brain-damaged. Nevertheless, in
order to keep our sample clean, they have been excluded from
analysis. The remaining 78% of subjects had, as the
sub-title of this paper indicates, no certifiable assessable
brain damage, although, of course, we cannot rule out
nervous disorders in their entire range, which in fact, are
known to be somewhat more prevalent among such a population.
Oh—my time is almost up? Well, I have hardly managed to
present you, except perhaps skeletally, with details of the
experimentation and statistical analyses, both qualitative
and quantitative, which, it must be admitted, are still only
in preliminary stages, both inasmuch as they have not been
run yet on a subject sample, selection of which is still
going on—well, I see I have (stop, count) 7 more pages,
which should take me (stop, calculate) at the rate I’ve been
talking—well, quite a bit longer, so why don’t I spare you
the speculations, and conclude by summarizing the several
main points of the paper. First, however, let me, by way of
acknowledgment, thank my colleagues who have provided me
with the stimulation necessary to conceive of the idea
behind this paper, and my teachers who have initiated me
into the intricacies of successful practice in academe. Of
course they are all irresponsible, and only I am
responsible, even accredited, for the content of this
paper. The government has been so kind as to support this
work, and I do trust they get something out of it.
Let me conclude by saying that I do not suppose this is the
final word on the topic of empty speech. Empty speech will
be with us, I may predict not immodestly, for some time to
come, and it is to be hoped that in studying it with our
sharpest scientific tools, we may achieve a stage in
societal evolution at which its benefits, as well as its
potential dangers, may be accurately as well as thoroughly
described, and methods developed for encouraging healthy and
sophisticated use among aspirants to the status which
thoughtful use of empty speech can confer.
Thank you.
* * * * * * * *
Alex Halle, the father of modern phonerative geneology, and
author of Stems, will lecture on
“Searching [High] and [Low]”
Smith Hall, Monday 8 p.m.
Etymology and Definitions—Joseph P. Stemberger |
Bilingualism in Rats: A Ten-Year Study—Loraine Obler |
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