Name Dropping ~ Noam Dropping—A Linguistic Symphony In Four-Plus-One Micro Musical Movements—Deedles D’Dee SpecGram Vol CXCIV, No 3 Contents Minute<sub class=minustwo>DU Mystery<sub class=minustwo>PL—The Case of the Lost Larynx—D. J. Lobos

Overheard* in the Linguistics Student Lounge

Chesterton “The Jesterton” Wilburfors Gilchrist, IV
Grad Student Union Steward, United Linguistics Workers**
Fourth-Year Grad Student, Dept. of Lexicology and Glottometrics
Devonshire-upon-Glencullen University, Southampton

All names have been changed to protect the guilty innocent.

Act I

MilkCaramel: Yeah well, in Mongolian “adverbs” are just adjectives, instrumental cases of nouns, or conjunctive (non-final) verb forms, so they’re doing just fine.
Preterite: Actually, one of the tactics that the French used to foment rebellion amongst the colonists was to start a rumour that George III wished to merge adverbs with adjectives, in line with German practice.

Act II

Preterite: The spelling reformer was recognisable by his fish beard.
Transitively: Ugh.. that one took a little too long for me to get.. but then it hit me like a tuna bricks.

More to come...

* My GrandpapáChesterton Wilburfors Gilchrist, Jr., of “Reanalysis of Spanish by Naïve Linguists” fameimpressed upon me from an early age the potentially career-making value of eavesdropping serendipitous fieldwork. As I am notyet!the eavesdropper serendipitous fieldworker my Grandpapá is, and I don’tyet!have his ear for finding meaningfully meaningful meaning in overheard conversations, I will keep publishing the data of my informants until I, too, make an important contribution to linguistics!

** This Research is gratefully sponsored by the ULŋW Local #1729.

Name Dropping ~ Noam DroppingA Linguistic Symphony In Four-Plus-One Micro Vowel Bowel Musical MovementsDeedles D’Dee
MinuteDU MysteryPLThe Case of the Lost LarynxD. J. Lobos
SpecGram Vol CXCIV, No 3 Contents