We’ve all heard of Noam Avram Chomsky (or is it Avram Noam Chomsky
In order to appreciate the symphony in full, Deedles has elicited help from Kippax-illiterate literary critic Kreedles von Kray who has kindly offered some study questions to deepen the experience of the above. Kreedles has asked Deedles to point out that these are certainly not copy-
Consider three ways in which the poem subtextually either alludes to or arguably plays with the intersectionalities of identity, ‘that which might have been’ and ‘the forever’, making reference to either Auden or Edward Lear.
In terms of its central trope(s), how do(es) any deviation(s) from that/
Juxtapose stance, reader expectation(s) (and their potential frustrations in the text, intentional or otherwise) and mode (or tenor) with any literary traditions and/or major works of the canon that the text seems to seek to subvert; derive from any resultant analysis a fresh perspective-
What does the poem ‘mean’?