SpecGram >> Vol CXCIV, No 1 >> Previous Puzzle Solutions—The SpecGram Puzzle Elves™
Previous Puzzle Solutions
The SpecGram Puzzle Elves™
The solutions to last issue’s puzzle, Mix & Match ##, are provided here. The nine 9-letter words from the first puzzle are: photocopy, ancestral, saboteurs, scapegoat, Ibsenisms, volkslied, iconicity, zoologies, extensure; and the three additional words are: passivize, ostension, parameter. For the second puzzle, the nine words are: downdrift, inscience, axemaster, chanteuse, rhythmics, inflected, transfixt, imprisons, crossings; and the three additional words are: diacritic, diathesis, intuition.
The following puzzlemeisters have earned the glory that comes with solving this puzzle:
Thorsten Schröter •
Shilo Asdewn •
Vincent Fish •
Emre Yılmaz
The solutions to last issue’s Phonetic Drop Quote I is: /ɛvəɹi kwoʊteɪʃən kəntɹɪbjuts sʌmθɪŋ tu ðə stəbɪlɪti ɔɹ ɪnlaɹd͡ʒmənt əv ðə læŋgwɪd͡ʒ/ (“Every quotation contributes something to the stability or enlargement of the language.”).
These brilliant puzzle-solvers have also achieved everlasting glory:
Mason Miller-Breetz •
Nina Sloan •
Shilo Asdewn •
Vincent Fish