Minutes from the Department Meeting SpecGram Vol CXCIV, No 1 Contents Correlations in Linguistics—Book Announcement from Psammeticus Press

Mad LibitumA Sesqui­decennial Refresh

It’s been 15 years to the day since we announced our original eight “Mad Libitum” linguistic humor templates at the end the July 2009 Summer Puzzle Mega Issue of Speculative Grammarian (Vol CLVII, No η).

Today we are announcing a sesquidecennial refresh of our Mad Libitum engine, and a more than doubling of the number of available templates.

The newer templateson averagehave fewer blanks, nerdier blank descriptions, and cleverer use and re-use of the words you provide!

Generate your very own <adjective> Mad Libitum today!

Minutes from the Department Meeting
Correlations in LinguisticsBook Announcement from Psammeticus Press
SpecGram Vol CXCIV, No 1 Contents