The solution to last issue’s puzzle, “A Collection of Linguistics Themed Clues,” is provided below:
Each of the puzzlemeisters below completed the puzzle, and will receive a SpecGram prize of their choosing, while supplies last:
Vincent Fish • Gunnar Jónsson • Annegien Wilms • 吉田美咲
In addition, the following puzzlers have achieved the everlasting glory that comes with an honorable mention:
Emily Davis • Daniel Swanson • Mikael Thompson & Trey Jones
Congratulations to all!
The solution to last issue’s “Featured Selection” puzzle is provided below:
Note that the paths linked by single and double bridges, respectively, spell out SG for Speculative Grammarian.
Each of the puzzlemeisters below will receive some moderately desirable SpecGram merch of their choosing:
Mirtel Koppel • Trey Jones • Emre Yılmaz
Felicitations to all!