SpecGram >> Vol CXCI, No 4 >> Presenting The SpecGram Quiz to End All Quizzes
Presenting The SpecGram
Quiz to End All Quizzes
Sr. Junior Editorial Associate Skip Tacular Reporting
For those among Speculative Grammarian’s “devotees and sworn enemies alike” who have been living under a rock—social-medially speaking—for the last few months, have I got some news for you!
As we announced on all major (and many minor) social media outlets—including the old reliable standbys CountenanceScroll, Chirper, and Topplr, as well as various upstarts and has-beens, like ÜTube, Peruzdit, ClikClok, Jiffigram, InterogativeApp, AcceptableReads, Nik Nak, XirZone, Kɪndlŋ, Aleff+, Baak3dou6 IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE, Dissonance, BlunderUpon, Plena, HookedUp, Fastenterest, Makeacquaintance, Mʉipwɑk̚, Teletype, del.ecta.ble, Signifier, WePrattle, AnimateChronicle, Second Lang, Acquaintancester, Tendril, ʔʔ, and CinchJabber—the SpecGram Quiz Elves™ have created, and we have published...
The SpecGram Quiz to End All Quizzes is a 7-in-1 quiz that uses cutting edge psycholinguistics research and principal component analysis to simultaneously uncover many deep truths about you in a mere 17 handy-dandy (and mutually orthogonal) questions! Or something.
Get the answers to all of (or at least the seven most important of) your burning questions:
- Which Kind of Muffin Are You?
- Which Mid-20th-Century Composer Are You?
- Which 20th-Century Linguist Are You?
- Which Beetle Are You?
- Which Beatle Are You?
- What Wish Will the Genie Grant You?
- What Will Happen to You After You Die?
Give it a go!