Dear Signori,
Your recent correspondent, Karl the Thane, who argued vociferously for the post-
Giuseppe di Roma
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Dear Gus,
We’ll have a quatro formaggi at an APR of 2%.
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Dear Eds,
Please accept my apologies for the recent letter to yourselves from my over-
So, if anything’s X it’s my academic career!
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Dear (Prof) Steve,
The drinks are on you!
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Dear Eds,
Re your recent Ξ-bar theory, I write to inform you that X-bar was originally discovered by Edwin the ox wrangler in 1021 outside Ely when, in a flash of insight while herding oxen over a ford one Tuesday morning, he saw that the oxen’s horns and the bar placed between each pair of oxen were a perfect visual metaphor for the abstract configurational properties of head-
As both the Anglo-
O. K. S. Ford
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Dear Oxo Cube,
What a load of BS OS.
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Dear Editors,
I am puzzled as to why you allow to festoon the pages of your journal such rank misunderstandings as those your recent correspondents, Bibi Gunn and Scoo B Doo B Dewey’s, and on an issue of such a critical nature that every illustrator, artist and graphic designer must face it at some point in their career: 2D or not 2D? This is not an ‘aphorism’ but a profound philosophical stance with significant implications. To wit, if working in a 1D medium, all one’s output must be executed on a Möbius strip; if in 3D, it’s sculpture a la Michelangelo or nothing and if in 2D and 3D, M C Escher’s the model to follow. This is all summarised neatly in D(D)Douglas Hofstad(d)dter’s magnum opus, Möbius, Michelangelo, M C Escher, a 3M Golden Ratio. Mmm.
Finally, it seems that Deedles D’Dee being a 4D artist should have something to say about this.
Didier De Tou(louse)
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Dear Loser,
You won’t win an M-y for this one. (And while we’re at it, here’s an M(CQ) for you: as for Didier, did ’e A, B, C, D, 2D, 3D or M? You choose!)
P.S. Deedles D’Dee is on extended gardening leave after writing a poem that was critical of certain aspects of SpecGram policy. He will be unavailable for comment for the foreseeable future.
[This poetic transmission has been terminated. —Eds]
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Speculative Grammarian accepts well-