The editors of SpecGram regret to inform our loyal readership of an adverse development in the UK arm of the SpecGram organisation. We have recently been informed that The UK Government’s R/Loyal Inspectorate of Linguistic Journals is considered levying additional import charges on linguistics journals that trade within any of the constituent countries of the UK.
A recent revamp of the UK Government’s Linguistics Journal Informativity Index, the metric by which it measures the cultural and educational capital injected into the country by linguistic journals and journal-
At the last calculation, SpecGram was ranked 723rd of an estimated “few hundred” linguistics journals trading in the UK and was assigned an LL output factor of only 24,523 LLs (including impact derived from merch sales). This latter component cannot now be counted due to Brexit uncertainty2 which will of course have a significant and detrimental effect3 on this journal’s LL rating.
We are therefore appealing to our readership in the UK to engage more with each edition of SpecGram. This could mean as little as simply reading it thoroughly cover-
Thank you for reading and in anticipation of an enhanced LL factor for SpecGram in 2020.
1 The LinguaLearnitron, while relatively new in journal metrology, is simply a Q-derivative of the well-
2 Much UK first-
3 Merch sales accounted for 93% of the 24,523; we leave the reader to do the math(s) as our calculator is broken.
4 We’re sure that’s not you, but recently commissioned independent research from Half & Half and Associates Consulting showed that over half of SpecGram “readers” did no more than half a half of this for at least half the issues per year around half the time.
5 A bank of prototype conversational openers can be downloaded from the website. Examples are “Hey [N], you’ll never guess what I happened to read in SpecGram, the premier scholarly journal featuring research in the neglected field of satirical linguistics, the other day which I found both informative, educational and indeed interesting and which I’d love to share with you in a [familial/
6 Again, downloadable from the website.