It was a dark and stormy night; the words fell in torrents
Such was the tableau as I struggled to compose this month’s Letter from the Editor, the very one you are reading now. But my mission became clear as I cast my mind back to a decade ago, when I composed the July 2008 Letter from the Editor, taking note of the first woman to appear on the cover of SpecGram in its modern era—Lucy Lloyd. It was, embarrassingly, about six and a half years later that the next woman—Alice Kober—appeared on the cover of SpecGram, though since then we’ve been fairly consistent in alternating between male and female linguists (and linguist-
As I noted back in 2008:
Typically, the [pre-2015] featured linguist (or philologist, lexicographer, etc.) is fairly well- known, fairly interesting, or fairly funny looking. For a while, fairly impressive facial hair was also a fairly important criterion. All featured linguists have also been fairly dead for a fairly long while at the time of their appearance on the cover.
I also suggested that future featured linguists
We seem to have almost run out of Lady Llinguists