Over the years, many authors whose work has appeared in the pages of Speculative Grammarian have taken inspiration (and sometimes even data) from the many high-
But no previous article has been so thorough, so sweeping, or so intellectually daring as the account of the long-
If you want to keep your fiqer1 on the pulse of qleeding2 edge scholarship, then you should read this important article at once. Do you want to be one of those who fly uqards3 towards greater knowledge and wisdom, or among their intellectual inferiors, left behind and unable to string together a comment on these matters more coherent than, “uhqoh,4 I probably should have read that”? Chqse5 wisely, dear reader.
1 Here, as in Roviana, <q> represents [ŋg].
2 Here, as in Owa, <q> represents [ɓ].
3 Here, as in Sa'a, <q> represents [pw].
4 Here, as in Toqabaqita, <q> represents [ʔ].
5 Here, as in Natqgu, <q> represents [ʉ].