SpecGram >> Vol CLXXVIII, No 1 >> The Peristaltic Meditations of Noam Chomsky—Book Announcement from Xerus & Ratufa Press
Book Announcement from Xerus & Ratufa Press
The Peristaltic Meditations of Noam Chomsky
Collected and Edited by R. Schlescher
Heads (and tables, and some tails) were turned when Xerus & Ratufa, mongers and purveyors of the better sort of literature for the better sort of modern academic, published R. Schlescher’s compilation, The Table-Talk of Noam Chomsky, a decade ago. While that first volume allowed the Master to break bread with his disciples and share crumbs from the food for thought on the table of the intellect, the off-the-cuff nature of his pronouncements rankled some of our more discerning readers. The passage of time has allowed the Great One a proper period to digest the substance of his thoughts and after due consideration apply them to paper.
Advance readers have been enthusiastic:
“A real treat for prokaryotes everywhere!”
—Zacharias Esteban von Ordoñez
“The best book to be written on one roll of paper since On the Road.”
—Fastidia Colquitt Holbright
“Whereas The Table-Talk of Noam Chomsky caught him in a relaxed, post-prandial mood, in this work we can see His Magisterial Self seated in the throne room.”
—Mongo Yalbag