SpecGram >> Vol CLXXVI, No 4 >> From the Archives!SpecGram Propaganda IThe SpecGram Archive Elves™

Preantepenultimate Things You Didn’t Know You Didn’t Know—Madalena Cruz-Ferreira SpecGram Vol CLXXVI, No 4 Contents A Venery of Terms—Part III—Collective Nouns for Linguists—X. Altaysh & Uvlarr Ksss

From the Archives!SpecGram Propaganda I

The SpecGram Archive Elves™

The contents of the previously reported Top Secret SpecGram Time Capsule from 1964 are currently still stuck in legal limbo. “Fortunately” a recent expedition into the SpecGram archives turned up a sheaf of early 20th century SpecGram propaganda posters, which were used during the Great Linguistic War and the Second Linguistic War to encourage linguists everywhere to keep a stiff upper lip and a sense of humor during those trying times.

Two posters from that collection have been digitized and presented here for you, dear reader, to enjoy, retrospect on, and share. The full collection, which will continue to grow, is available from the SpecGram Ministry of Propaganda in an easily browsable and sharable format.

More to come...

© MCMLXXXVIII — MMXXV Speculative Grammarian

© MCMLXXXVIII — MMXXV Speculative Grammarian