A Sample of Self-Definers—Historical Linguistics, Etymology, and Sound Changes: Part I
The SpecGram Book Elves™
Here is a fifth hand-curated selection from “Appendix A: A Self-Defining Linguistic Glossary”, a.k.a. “The only truly reliable cram sheet for your Linguistics 101 final”, from The Speculative Grammarian Essential Guide to Linguistics.
- affricxation
- B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.: Backformed Acronym Coerced Knowingly Regardless Of Not Yielding Meaning
- Barddolomae’s Law
- Brugmāna’s Law
- Loanword is a calque of German Lehnwort.
- cognate/Sp. cognado/Du. Cognaat/Ru. когнат
- compeːsatory leːthening
- condamination
- kreyòl
- dithsimilation
- Edgerton’s Luau
- eggcorn
- etymos + -logia
- Too bad if you don’t like expression clipping. Deal!
- the firsth Germanih sount shifth
- folk-entomology
- fusiõ
- I need to xerox three copies of my paper on genericized trademarks.
- Something’s gonna undergo grammaticalization.
- Grathman’s Law
- græːt vuːl shift
- Krimm’s Law
More to come...