A Sample of Self-Definers—Et Cetera, Et Cetera
The SpecGram Book Elves™
Here is the eighteenth and final hand-curated selection from “Appendix A: A Self-Defining Linguistic Glossary”, a.k.a. “The only truly reliable cram sheet for your Linguistics 101 final”, from The Speculative Grammarian Essential Guide to Linguistics.
- They used the adversative against each other.
- aphas......???
- axapria
- Mr. Aptro Nym collects names aptly suited to their owners.
- Attraction is the process by what a relative pronoun takes the case of its antecedent.
- He stole a benefactive for me.
- lekhmove
- She said, “I will use direct quotation.”
- dyƨlɘxiɐ
- I can see that eyewitness evidential myself.
- 1
- genitive’s
- It’s said that this is a hearsay evidential.
- She said she would use indirect quotation.
- I guess this must be an inferential evidential.
- initialisms FTW!
- Not your father’s kinship system
- lamblacism
- He stole a malefactive from me.
- the concept of a meme
- n͋asal fricative
- IOU one pseudo-acronym.
- She said, “This is a quotative.”
- TIARA Is A Recursive Acronym
- redundant repeat
- He said, “This is reported speech.”
- Don’t scant your scant chance of scanting out.
- Snooperism
- Don’t misunderestimate my ability to grok stunt words.
- st\t\tuttering
- Yes, I’m really sure this is a validational!
- whịspered
- whis͎tled

And that is that!
1 footnote