Theirs know kneed two feere!
Grammer Kop iz hear!
When errors in a word appear
And break some rules that aren’t quite clear,
Misguiding all who see or hear,
The cry goes up both far and near
From Grammar Cop! Grammar Cop!
Grammar Cop! Grammar Cop!
Reading! Writing! Pesky word nerd!
Smiting all who might’ve blundered.
Grammar Cop! Grammar Cop!
It’s time now for an angry screed
About the words that some misread—
’Cause finding fault’s an urgent need!
To right some “wrong” with blinding speed
Goes Grammar Cop! Grammar Cop!
Grammar Cop! Grammar Cop!
Reading! Writing! Pesky word nerd!
Smiting all who might’ve blundered.
Grammar Cop! Grammar Cop!