The history of SpecGram and the band of merry pranksters who make up its crew is long, complex, and often obscured by the mists of time. SpecGrammology, while a difficult and rewarding subject, is not without its dangers, including paper avalanches (of both the loose-
Little is known and less is spoken of the exact nature of the relationship between Speculative Grammarian and our sister publications—The Journal of the Linguistic Society of South-
Below is the text of a grad student shanty reportedly sung robustly in student lounges and hummed softly in library carrels at Midwestern universities in the mid-
Slater and Pulju have so far declined comment, having spent most of the last few weeks gumming their tapioca in the Really Old Editors’ Lounge at SpecGram Towers. Will we ever know the whole truth? Probably not, but it’s a fun scab to pick at in the meantime.