As previously reported, our very own Butch McBastard recently unearthed a satchel of papers labeled, “Top Secret SpecGram Time Capsule, 1964
Of course, there was little chance we’d wait over a year to open it. The SpecGram legal team is reviewing each item from the satchel for incriminating evidence proprietary information. However, as items are cleared, we thought it would be fun to share some of them with our readers. There often isn’t a lot of specific context for any given item, but they are interesting nonetheless.
Here is the third item, a previously unknown scroll that appears to contain a devotional text for what is now known as SpecGram, the Religion. The calligraphy isn’t particularly good, and the language appears to be a degenerate form of Europanto, so this may be the personal devotional scroll of a junior associate sub-
A minor controversy has erupted in the SpecGram editorial offices over what appears to be backwards Latin, indicating that this could be the text of a SpecGram black mass. Others have pointed out the presence of an inverted A, which could indicate instead the involvement of mathematicians or logicians, which would be even worse. The consensus, though, is that these concerns are overblown, and you should feel free to make a copy of the scroll for your own personal devotional use. You are unlikely to summon Частица, Chomsky, or any other demons.
More to come...