In our recent travels to South America, we came across an interesting band of indigenes living in Cayenne, the capital of Guyane. The language they speak, ʔɪɯnkʈlɳɪɞʃt, is also quite interesting. Our first introduction to ʔɪɯnkʈlɳɪɞʃt came in the form of a bit of eavesdropping. An American tourist (naturally) was trying to communicate with a local street merchant who was clearly speaking Créole Guyanais, but who probably could have held a decent conversation in French. The American, who seemed to only speak English, kept repeating himself, each time speaking more slowly and more loudly
Before long, many people were staring at the walking Ugly American Stereotype. A nicely dressed and well-
/ʔaɛʔʔɪɑɒʔ snɛudr jɢuʌʘ estluɔpfɪʊd hmɒoʒnəiʔʃlɪønkwəuɸl hmbɔærrɒiʔŋ/
The tourist replied, with continued surprising originality, “What did you say?” The young man was becoming agitated now, and this time he replied even louder, but his speech was very rapid:
/aɪ sɛd ju stupɪd mɒnəlɪŋgwəl mɔrɒn/
Well, that was clear enough, even to the Ugly American, who was beyond flabbergasted.
We followed the young man after he took his leave of the unruly tourist, to ask him why he had originally spoken to the tourist in one language, then switched to English, and to learn the nature of the first language, with its very large phonemic inventory. What we learned surprised us
The speakers of ʔɪɯnkʈlɳɪɞʃt have all recently come from the rural area surrounding Macapá, capital of Amapá, in neighboring Brasil. Originally Hmpɛoʔəurlriɔ
Like any language, when spoken at speed some of the phonetic detail of ʔɪɯnkʈlɳɪɞʃt is elided (cf. the infamous English/
Some of the easily-
V(V) | → | Ø / V ___ |
VsC | → | sC / # ___ |
ŋ | → | n / ___ # |
[+nasal] | → | Ø / #[+fricative] ___ |
[+liquid +syll] | → | Ø / [+stop] ___ # |
[+labial α-place] | → | Ø / #h[+nasal α-place] ___ |
h | → | Ø / σ ___ C |
nk | → | ŋg |
[+fricative] | → | Ø / ___ [+nasal] |
[+fricative] | → | Ø / ___ [+liquid] |
[+retroflex] | → | Ø / ___ [+liquid] |
[+liquid]([+liquid]) | → | Ø / ___ [+liquid] |
[+cons -fricative -approx] | → | Ø / σ [+cons -glottal] ([+cons -glottal]) ___ |
[+stop] | → | Ø / [+fricative] ___ # |
[+click] | → | Ø |
ʔ | → | Ø |
What Hmpɛoʔəurlriɔ discovered was that high-
And so the speakers of ʔɪɯnkʈlɳɪɞʃt now find themselves working at English-
More research is necessary to unravel the intricacies of this system. Said research will require more and abundant funding.
Claude Searsplainpockets & Helga |
Somewhere in South America |
Relentless Things You Didn’t Know You Didn’t Know |
Ratical Minimalism |
SpecGram Vol CLXII, No 1 Contents |